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My child has thoroughly enjoyed her online learning. She has been well supported by her class teacher and has a good balance of screen time and independent learning. This has given her the opportunity to become a much more resilient and independent learner, as she has developed her own strategies for trying to solve problems before approaching her teacher.

As a parent of a child at Cranbrook Primary, can I just relay my thoughts to everyone  involved to say how truly impressed I am with the way you have all risen to the incredible challenges you have been presented with in the past 10 months or so. Your dedication and commitment to our children and the way you have risen to the challenges, learned new IT skills in a short period of time and continue to operate on a skeleton staff is testament to your professionalism and one of the reasons I am so glad we chose to send our child to Cranbrook Primary School

I have been incredibly impressed at the speed and swift organisation of remote learning being delivered by the teaching staff at Cranbrook, especially as I was told they were trained earlier in the summer during the first lockdown. The quality of lessons being delivered and the learning my child has been undertaking is testament to the ethos of the Head and the school. It's not just the learning that they are taking seriously it’s also the opportunities that have been created for the children's mental health and wellbeing.

Remote Learning 10 Top Tips For Children


Remote Learning 10 Top Tips For Parents

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