Cranbrook Primary School
Equity for all
The Drive, Ilford, Essex, IG1 3PS
Phone: 0208 518 2562
Nursery Application Form
Admission Arrangements
Admission Appeals

Registers close promptly at 9.00am. Children arriving after this time will need to be taken to the school office and signed in as late. We strongly believe that regular attendance is linked to higher achievement. Arriving at school on time each day will enable your child to make the most of the rich learning and social experiences Cranbrook has to offer.
Please be punctual at home time. Children can become upset and distressed if they are kept waiting. Habits of regular attendance and good time keeping will serve your child well for the rest of his or her school career and throughout life. Through our ethos we aim to ensure that all children at Cranbrook feel valued and welcomed and that they will be missed when they are absent or late.
“We have adopted the London Borough of Redbridge attendance strategy so leave of absence during term time will only be granted in the most exceptional circumstances. No more than 3 days will ever be authorised for the most exceptional circumstances.”
Please make sure that all absences from school are covered by a written note or telephone message. Otherwise, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised. Each year, every school is obliged by law to work out how many absences each of its pupils has had and whether these were authorised or unauthorised absences. All schools are expected to set an attendance target – ours is 97%.
In Redbridge there are sanctions for unauthorised leave of absence without permission. A Fixed Penalty Notice will be issued for unauthorised leave of absence/holiday taken without permission after the first day of absence. It will be issued by the Education Welfare Service (EWS) following discussions with the Head teacher. Your child will also be at serious risk of losing their school place and may be removed from the school roll. This would mean parents would have to re-apply for a school place to Admissions & Awards at Lynton House.
Prosecutions are brought under Section 444 of the Education Act 1996. There is no statutory right of appeal against the issuing of a Penalty Notice.
We believe that working with parents is extremely important. You can help us in our efforts to promote excellent attendance and punctuality by;
Recognising that we are always happy to talk to you about any difficulties you may be experiencing to do with attendance or punctuality. We will do our best to help.
Arranging for medical and dental appointments to take place outside the school day as much as possible. If an appointment during school hours is unavoidable, please try to ensure that your child attends immediately before and after the appointment.
Authorised absences may be due to sickness or exceptional circumstances (such as bereavement or days of religious observance). Absences cannot be authorised if your child has time off for shopping trips, birthdays, visiting relatives, looking after other people at home, or going on a day trip or holiday for which permission has not been given in advance.
By working together, we can succeed in your child’s educational achievement, development and well-being.
Travel Abroad during the Pandemic – Please note, if parents have chosen to travel abroad and remain out of school for 20 days or more, their child will be removed from the school roll. Therefore, please do not risk your child’s school place.